Yesterday morning we went down to Venice beach - my sister-in-law was doing the LA triathlon, so we joined the chaos to see her off. Carter was very agreeable and slept the whole time. He is definitely his father's son - he is such a deep sleeper that it's damn near impossible to wake him before he's ready. Barking dogs, loudspeakers, sirens - you name it - it doesn't disturb him. This is clearly an excellent quality for an infant, so I realize how lucky we are.
After the beach I took Carter to a friend's baby shower. Unfortunately, after sleeping all morning he refused to nap at the party, but he had lots of aunties around who were eager to hold him so that mommy could grab a bite to eat.
Today was another Mommy & Me movie - he slept the whole time, waking only once to nurse. I could get used to this.
Mommy & Me photo shoot:
At the pediatrician:
Bath time!
Wow, he is chubbing right up!! Good work, both of you.
I forgot how tiny they are when they're new! He's just adorable. And damn girl, you look pretty good yourself. Nice work, mama!
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