Getting him all decked out in his lumberjack chic, courtesy of Grandma & Grandpa:

At one point I became overwhelmed by his general awesomeness and attempted to squish him to bits:

He became very fixated on this squash and alternately ran around waving it like a sword and clutched it tightly to his chest like his baby:

Toddler + slow shutter speed = blurry, but fabulous:

Peeking out of the huge pumpkin at Daddy:

I love this one. The little hand in the air just breaks me:

So many pumpkins, so little time:

This is his "Enough with the pumpkins, I'm ready for my nap" face:

There are more pictures, including some family shots, that must be retrieved from Babushka's and Auntie's cameras, as ours died halfway through the extravaganza. In summary, a good time was had by all. I even think I almost managed to convince Carter that they weren't all giant orange apples (or "APPPPL!!!" if you're Carter).
I'll leave you with this - what a difference a year makes:
October 2009

October 2010

To see 'em all, clickity clack right here.
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