Sunday, October 3, 2010

At long last, some photos from the Roo's big birthday bash last month. We didn't take a single photo that day, and instead (stupidly) relied on friends and relatives to send 'em our way - thus the month-late post. Here are some highlights, but to see the entire album, click here.
I went with a train theme - the invitation had a train on it, so I used it in all design elements (and oh, do I love me some paper products).

The hot dog bar:

My awesome birthday banner:

With his beloved car from Grandma & Grandpa:

This is called I Missed My Nap So To Hell With Your Homemade Organic Cake, Mama!

No, YOU eat it, Mom.

Shortly after this picture was taken, I detached my jaw and swallowed him whole.

I told you, I will not eat it and you can't make me! (Whose kid IS this??)

I will get you, bubbles!

Our Family

1 comment:

Erica said...

I was really bummed we missed this BEFORE I saw the hot dog bar. Now I am beside myself with grief.